Schedule of Events

(click event for more info)

Friday July 25th 2025

9 hole and 18 hole - meet at Stewart Park Golf Course - John Livingston organizing the event.
9 holes (cart included) $25
18 holes (cart included) for $35
Questions: please contact:
This is no-host event, tasting fees are not included in the fee. The fee covers transportation only. Meet at Rite Aid parking lot at the Roseburg Valley Mall
Questions: please contact:
Join us for a fun informal get together, all classes welcome.
Bring back the memories of the good ol’ days of Friday and Saturday nights after the game gatherings.
1661 NE Stephens St, Roseburg, OR 97470

Questions: please contact:

Saturday July 26th 2025

Most of the campus will be open for talking a walk down memory lane.
Food available from Food Truck Vendors
11 am Registration opens in the gym
Join everyone in the gym with Masters of Ceremonies: “JL” John Livingston and Jeff Mornarich. Pledge of Allegiance, School song with cheerleaders, state champs, and more.
Registration – Volunteers will assist you in registering and collecting a $10 reunion due if you have not already paid for online prior to opening ceremonies.
Introductions of Former Teachers.
Find the alumni that traveled the farthest.
Find the alumni has been married the longest.
Find the alumni that has the most children.
Memorial Tribute
Photos by Decades – alumni will be asked to sit in the bleachers by decades for photos. Look for your decade sign.
This is your chance to visit with your class mates before the dinners. Reach out to your class mates on Facbook and see if they want to meet up.
A great place to hang out: Sasquatch Beer & Wine Garden
OR gather at Kay/Speede Anderson's house

50s, 60s, 70s, and prior -- Kay & Speede Anderson's -- food TBD
6 - 11 p.m. 298 Abbott St, Glide, OR 97443 (2nd house behind Colliding Rivers Restaurant)
With live music ~ Colleen & Co. Review 7 p.m. – 10 p.m.

80s -- Splitz Sports Bar (no host gathering)
2400 NE Diamond Lake Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470

90s - 2000s -- Backside Brewing Co (no host gathering)
1640 NE Odell Ave, Roseburg, OR 97470

SundayJuly 27th 2025

Individual class brunch or picnics are encouraged. Please notify the reunion committee of times and location so the information can be posted here.

All 70s Brunch hosted by Bill & Carla Duffy. 10:30 a.m. 897 Riverside Dr, Myrtle Creek (more info and contact info coming soon)